Category: Creative Life

  • How to Make Your Own Sketchbook

    Learn how to make your own sketchbook, journal, or art journal with this simple DIY tutorial. I’ve been a journal keeper since I was in first grade, but it wasn’t until my 20s that I discovered the joys of making my own journals. During that discovery period, I made piles of blank books. I stitched…

  • Thank You Thursdays (Join the Revolution!)

    Thank You Thursdays (Join the Revolution!)

    Recently, I came across an eBook by Matt McWilliams called Two Powerful Words that stopped me in my tracks. He talked about the Thank you Thursdays revolution started by Jon Gordon. I know the power of letter writing in my own life. And I know the power that it has had in so many of…

  • I Had a Favorite Dress Card Tutorial

    I Had a Favorite Dress Card Tutorial

    My mom gave us the book, I Had a Favorite Dress, a few years ago for Christmas, and it has been one of our favorites ever since. Author Boni Ashburn writes a story about an inventive mom and her precocious daughter that is perfectly paired with Julia Denos’ playful mixed media illustrations. The little girl’s…

  • 10 Easy Ways to Be Creative Every Day

    10 Easy Ways to Be Creative Every Day

    What would it feel like to be creative every day? What image comes to your mind when you think of the word, “creativity“? Do you picture a blank canvas waiting for you to splash paint on it? An empty plot of land begging you to dive in and landscape? How about a room with mismatched…

  • Simplify Your Life

    Simplify Your Life

    Wouldn’t it be nice to simplify your life? There’s no end to blogs, books, and theories concerning minimalism and simplification of our ever-complicated lives. But what if you have kids? What if you’re busy? It feels ironic to pursue minimalism or simplifying when it makes you more stressed. Or is that just me? I haven’t…

  • Five of the Best Ways to Decorate Your House

    Five of the Best Ways to Decorate Your House

    Learn five of the best ways to decorate your house even if you don’t have the decorating gene. Some women are born with the decorating gene. They swoop into an empty house and slowly but surely (or very quickly) gather items from here and there to make it a home. They showcase tasteful decor that…

  • How to Make a Painted Candy Dish

    How to Make a Painted Candy Dish

    I received paint from DecoArt for this post on how to make a painted candy dish. The tutorial and opinions expressed are my own. This painted candy dish tutorial started off as a glass coaster tutorial. I thought it would be fun to use DecoArt’s glass enamel paint on the bottom of glass coasters but…

  • How to Make a Felt Bunny

    Learn how to make a felt bunny with felt scraps and thread! So cute! Why is it that the simplest of projects tend to make little kids the happiest? As I pulled out my felt stash to make this craft, my daughter bee-lined it over to my side and immediately began assembling the bits of…

  • How to Make a Simple Flower Barrette

    How to Make a Simple Flower Barrette

    Looking for a simple barrette for your flower girl? This DIY flower barrette is so sweet, and you can make it in just a couple of minutes. Win-win! When I was planning my wedding, I wanted to have DIY elements to it without the stress of making every single item. So we bought simple dresses…

  • How To Raise Creative Kids

    How To Raise Creative Kids

    Children who practice creativity regularly strengthen their problem-solving abilities and take their creative thinking skills into their adult lives. Many of us have heard of the benefits of creativity, but where do you start if you want to raise creative kids? And how do you go about it if you don’t feel like you have…