Category: Tips

  • How Your Past Can Stifle Your Creativity

    How Your Past Can Stifle Your Creativity

    I’ve been receiving emails from readers lately that have struck up a little something in me that I need to share with you. Namely, how we place rules on how and when we can create. As I was thinking about this, I began to wonder if these rules we’ve set up (whether consciously or not)…

  • How to Make an Art Journal

    How to Make an Art Journal

    Welcome to the ninth week of my Summer Crafting series. Every Friday until next week, I’ll be sharing easy crafts you can make over the weekend. Be sure to check back each week for new projects! This week is also week four in my How to Make an Art Journal series. Click here for week…

  • The Creative’s To Do List – A Strategy that Works

    The Creative’s To Do List – A Strategy that Works

    Creative overload. It’s a real thing, folks. I’m not sure if you can be diagnosed by a medical doctor if you’re suffering from it, but it’s actually a real problem if you’re a creative person. It comes disguised in a to do list that never ends, that morphs and stretches and begs you to add…

  • 12 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Retreat

    The topic of retreats has been on my mind a lot this year. I integrated them back into my life after a too-long hiatus and wrote a create-your-own personal retreat workbook. This resource is for those of us who have the idea that retreats are a luxury and are too expensive and time-consuming (even though…

  • Monthly Recap: This Was July

    Monthly Recap: This Was July

    When I was ten, one summer night, The baby stars that leapt Among the trees like dimes of light, I cupped, and capped, and kept. —Firefly July by J. Patrick Lewis We don’t have fireflies here in the Pacific Northwest but I loved them when I lived in Tennessee for college. The fact that these…

  • The Benefits of Creative Prompts

    The Benefits of Creative Prompts

    When I was in elementary school, I had a teacher who wrote writing prompts on the blackboard (dating myself here) for us to use in our free writing. I’ve since been exposed to many different ways to use creative prompts, and they are one of my favorite exercises to do. I love how the word,…

  • Nine Mistakes Creatives Make

    Nine Mistakes Creatives Make

    Are you making these mistakes creatives make without even knowing it? Whether you’re just starting out on your creative path or work full-time in a creative field, you need to read this list! One of the things I’ve noticed in my life is that it’s really easy to fall into the same traps over and…

  • This Was June

    This Was June

    For 2015, I’ve been writing a “looking back” post at the end of each month. It has been a nice practice to sit down, think back over the month, and share what I’ve been learning, reading, and experiencing. I’m also realizing this is also a good practice to do if you’re looking for ways to…

  • Line Drawing for the Rest of Us

    Line Drawing for the Rest of Us

    If you’re a regular reader of Little Girl Designs, you know I love to sketch. That being said, I know I have a lot to learn when it comes to line drawing. I am always on the lookout for courses and books that teach drawing in a way that regular people can relate to. I’ve…

  • The Newbie Blogger’s Guide to Success

    The Newbie Blogger’s Guide to Success

    If you’re one of the thousands of people who start a blog each year, you’ve probably noticed that there is a LOT of information out there on how to set up your blog for success. For newbie bloggers, this amount of information can actually be discouraging. Where in the world are you supposed to start?…