I love these journaling prompts for all occasions. I use them in my bullet journal, for art journaling projects, and to get rid of writer’s block!
Don’t you hate it when you can’t think of anything to write? Maybe you’re new to journaling and feel intimidated by all the blank pages in your journal. Or maybe you’ve been writing a while, but need an extra spark.
Sometimes when I go on my personal creative retreats, I bring along a prompt or two to get my creative juices flowing. Often the questions or words in the prompts are things I wouldn’t regularly write about, and it’s interesting to explore something new to me. I don’t know about you, but I always liked it when teachers gave us good prompts back in the day for writing assignments. Something about the constraints of a specific word or question makes my imagination soar!
These journaling prompts are great for list-making and art-journaling too. Pull out your dot journal and fill it up with goodness! (P.S. If you love to bullet journal, here is a great book with lots of inspiration for layouts.)
Related Posts:
Facing the Blank Page in Your Art Journal
Five Years of Gratitude (Gratitude Journal)
Personal Journaling Prompts
- One thing I know I need to work on is . . .
- I’m most proud that I . . .
- A silver lining in a not so good situation that happened recently is . . .
- A sentence that stopped me in my tracks and changed my outlook was . . .
- The ways I’ve grown in the past 5 years are . . .
Source: Pin from MistySansom.com
Bullet Journal Questions
- What are you most thankful for?
- Write about a place you call home.
- Five things you would like to do more?
- What is the view from your window right now?
- How do you see the world?
Source: Pin from hayleyfromhome.co.uk
Just for Fun Questions (Also good for pen pals!)
- What is the last movie you watched and enjoyed?
- Book you’re reading right now? Tell me about it!
- Favorite song (and why.)
- A new food you’ve recently tried.
- A story about being a tourist in your own town.
- Three quirky things about you.
- My favorite place in the whole world is . . .
- I love it when . . .
- This is the fastest way to make me laugh . . .
- If I had $1,000, this is how I would spend it:

Prompts for Drawing
- Self portrait
- Favorite animal
- Favorite food
- Something orange
- Favorite candy
- Something new
- A place you want to go
- Something you miss
- Most recent accomplishment
- Favorite plant
Source: Unknown, but here’s the pin
More Drawing Ideas! I love to doodle my day. 🙂
- Your latest creative project.
- Something you dream of making someday.
- Your favorite person.
- An ice cream cone.
- You on a roller coaster.
Prompts for Self-Reflection
- When I wake up in the morning, how do I most want to feel?
- What does my ideal day look like from morning to night?
- What do I need more of in my life?
- What do I need to let go of?
- What does success mean to me?
Source: Pin from jessicaestrada.net
One Word Prompts
Click here for a printable sheet of one word prompts. These work great to get those creative juices flowing! 🙂

That last question about success was a game-changer for me last year. I realized my version of success was vastly different from many other women in my field. I had been reading and trying to apply advice from people whose values and definition of success didn’t even come close to mine which led to a lot of frustration and feelings of failure on my part.
When it finally clicked that I was trying to squoosh myself into someone else’s ideal, it was sooo freeing, I can’t even tell you. Ironically, to some extent, this is what I share with you creatives here at Little Girl Designs all the time. I needed to practice what I preach!
I hope you enjoyed these journaling prompts. Now, let’s get to writing! 🙂