Category: Creative Life

  • How to Fail in Three Easy Steps (And Why You Need To)

    How to Fail in Three Easy Steps (And Why You Need To)

    Considering failure is one of the Big Fears many of us creatives face, writing a post on how to fail might seem a bit . . . well, strange. But how are we going to ever push past this fear if we keep on giving it teeth? You know how it is: when you feed…

  • Three Ways to Make Time for Creativity

    Three Ways to Make Time for Creativity

    Ah, the time factor. Have you ever wanted to jump into a creative project and then talked yourself out of it because of the time involved? Maybe you imagined hauling out all the fabric and sorting it. Or searching through your closet or drawers for the knitting needles. Or driving over to the store to…

  • Mindfulness 101: Set an Intention

    Mindfulness 101: Set an Intention

    Have you ever set an intention for your day? How about setting an intention as you transition from task to task? This practice is a gamechanger when it comes to mindfulness and being more present in your daily life. Here’s how to get started. Recently I started a new practice that I wanted to share…

  • Use Your Art Supplies

    Use Your Art Supplies

    Here is a small manifesto about you taking the time to finally USE your art supplies. The precious, beautiful, perfect, and expensive ones. It’s time. It used to be that when I bought a pen I liked or a pretty little journal, I would keep them nice and pretty and “safe.” I still have Twin…

  • How to Combat Creativity Monsters

    How to Combat Creativity Monsters

    If blank page syndrome is a real thing (and it is), then surely creativity monsters are right up there on the list. Creativity monsters are the super unhelpful gremlins that sit on your shoulder and whisper things like . . . “You’re not that original.” “Why even try?” “You’re not going to show that to…

  • How the Mini Canvas is Changing My Art Life

    How the Mini Canvas is Changing My Art Life

    Have you heard of the Painting a Day movement? It started back in 2004 when Duan Keiser set out to share his work on the internet. What started with one man has turned into thousands of artists striving to do one small painting a day – mostly every day. I am always looking for practical…

  • How to Make a Spa in a Box (Care Package 101)

    How to Make a Spa in a Box (Care Package 101)

    Want to make your friend’s day? Make her a spa in a box care package! Here’s how . . . Can I tell you how excited I am to share this DIY spa kit with you today? I recently bought a stack of small boxes to use this year for gifting and immediately thought how…

  • 10 Natural Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like Fall

    10 Natural Ways to Make Your Home Smell Like Fall

    Learn how to make your home smell like fall using natural ingredients. No need to use chemicals to make your home smell delicious, warm, and inviting! There’s nothing quite like the smell of fall—cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and baking apples are among my favorite scents in the world. In the past, I would have stocked up…

  • Daily Drawing Online Art Classes

    Daily Drawing Online Art Classes

    Oh my goodness. Where do I even start? These online art classes are so much fun, you’ll find yourself taking one and then another, and then treating yourself to just one more . . . Seriously, they’re addictive. CreativeBug started a series last year of Daily Drawing Challenges where different artists shared their techniques in…

  • 10 Watermelon Craft Ideas

    10 Watermelon Craft Ideas

    It’s summertime and the watermelon craft ideas are popping up everywhere. I’ve noticed that many of these tutorials are for watermelon crafts for preschoolers, but I think we grownups can get into the summer watermelon fun too! I thought I’d put together a post of some of my favorites that I’ve had bookmarked. From homemade…