Author: Jennie Moraitis

  • Use What You Have: Why You Don’t Need the Craft Store

    Use What You Have: Why You Don’t Need the Craft Store

    Before we get started, let me say that I love a good craft store. As a creative person, there is nothing quite like walking up and down neatly organized aisles of gorgeous and inspiring craft supplies. Just last week I was at a craft store and came across pre-cut papers for quilling and thought how…

  • A Maker Makes

    A Maker Makes

    I was sketching in my sketchbook one afternoon and this thought came to me: “A maker makes, even when no one sees.” I thought about all of the people in this world who make things, beautiful things, and who will never be heralded or read about on the internet or magazines. They will never find…

  • April is Letter Writing Month

    April is Letter Writing Month

    I recently discovered that April is National Letter Writing Month. How fun is that? Letters are such a great way to keep in touch. Even though we live in an age where an email, tweet, or text flies much faster to the recipient, there is still something about opening the mailbox to find a real,…

  • How to Make a Rosebud Barrette

    How to Make a Rosebud Barrette

    Learn how to make a rosebud barrette with this simple tutorial. It’s perfect for Easter and also makes a really sweet gift! Can you believe Easter is less than a week away? I have so many happy memories of Easter from my childhood but for some reason, one of the things that I remember most…

  • Beautiful Easter Crafts

    Beautiful Easter Crafts

    Easter weekend is just a few days away but it isn’t too late to make a beautiful Easter craft. I love it when I come across new crafts that practically shout, “Make Me!” and especially love it when I realize after reading the tutorial that I really could create them in an afternoon. These crafts…

  • This Was March

    This Was March

    What a lovely month March has been here in the Pacific Northwest! We have enjoyed a nice combination of sunshine, rain, and the lovely lengthening of days. I think that March is now my favorite month of the year. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just perfect. This end-of-the-month post seems to be coming more…

  • Creative Easter Crafts for Kids

    Creative Easter Crafts for Kids

    Well, Easter season is upon us and if you’re like me, you’re always on the lookout for great children’s crafts. I wanted to share some great tutorials from fellow bloggers who have made creative and unique Easter projects on their blogs. From cute carrot playdough to a beautiful Easter garden tutorial, they have Easter crafts…

  • Toddler Keyhole Scarf Knitting Pattern

    Toddler Keyhole Scarf Knitting Pattern

    You’re going to love this toddler keyhole scarf knitting pattern—the keyhole keeps the scarf from falling off! And it’s super simple to make too. I decided to knit a keyhole scarf for my daughter this year, and (of course) we ended up having a very warm winter in Oregon. Isn’t that how it goes? But…

  • Painted Pine Cones Centerpiece

    Painted Pine Cones Centerpiece

    This painted pine cones project came out of nowhere. I was on a walk and picked up a Douglas fir pine cone because I thought it was cute. Later on in the day, I was going to take a picture of it when I noticed the little pieces on it looked like tulips. I wondered…

  • Make an Owl Iron-on T-shirt

    Make an Owl Iron-on T-shirt

    Learn how to make a simple owl iron-on t-shirt by repurposing a baby onesie. So cute! I was rummaging through my craft drawers a couple of weeks ago looking for something when I came across a wonderful book of iron-on transfers that I had completely forgotten about. There was an owl in particular that I…